Saturday 29 September 2012

Aims and Context

For my FM3 Creative Project, my aim is to produce a short sequence from my fictional film called ‘Quantum Dream’. The genre of my film is psychological thriller, and I hope to use the codes and conventions of this genre. I’m looking to attract the mainstream audience of both genders, at the age 16-24.

The aim is to keep the audience guessing throughout the sequence and to constantly increase the enigma using the film language skills like cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound, and editing. I also want to aid the audience in sharing the same emotions of the main protagonist. Additionally, I want the audience to sympathise with the lead protagonist, this will be achieved through the use of sound/music as slow paced editing, as well as the use of POV shots, extreme close-ups, and extreme long-shots. Dubbing heart beat sounds, or heavy breathing will also help in creating tension. I have looked at films that have some relation to my film, such as Black Swan, Fight Club and Shutter Island, because these films all share the theme of a character losing their identity. Therefore, I will take inspiration from these three films in order to achieve my set goal. I will try to have the audience not takes sides to characters, I want to expose the horrors of everyman’s crime, and show that not everyone is innocent but try and do so without the audience condemning them. The story type I am using is The Quest in which the character is set a task to find someone or something. He accepts the challenge, searches for and finds someone or something. He is then rewarded, or not, for his success in the quest.

I intend to write, direct and edit the sequence myself.

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