Friday 15 March 2013


paglyuchenko: "The video generated an intense and emotional atmosphere with an appropriate choice of music. The body language performed by the actor was also an impressive feature of the video."

Paul Robertson: "Great broody tone to it, some awesome shots too (2:05 in particular), if I had to be critical I'd say the wind buffering up the mic was a bit too loud/not clear enough, nonetheless very impressive!"

George Richardson: "I thought this was really well edited and had some great camera shots. I particularly liked how the music went with the tone of the film. The running scene needed some work as it seemed a bit rushed but other than that it was super, top acting as well."

Kyle Bardle: "The film is very representative of the psychological thriller genre, the story is quite recluse leaving the audience stuck in a sense of mystery, they want to watch on to find out more. The low key lighting is perfect to set the atmosphere. Some shots are shaky and our of focus, but overall it's good."

Jasmine Wainwright: "The editing is amazing, well done!"

Rhys Fisher: "It's absolutely class."